FREE GUIDE: Choose Your Top 3 Permission Rules for Rapid Self Growth.

Discover your truest nature and build the life you desire.

Veronica Connors

Hi, I'm Veronica Connors

Founder of Conscious You!


This is my Story


Growing up I was sensitive, shy, and overwhelmed with the outside world. I often found myself picking up on cues and feelings of others that no one else around me seemed to notice. After struggling with my emotions, mental stories, and eventually a critical illness I decided it was time to own my personal power and stop being thrown off my all the energies around me. 

Now I’ve turned my transformation into an easy-to-follow system that anyone can use to understand themselves and their patterns and to use this knowledge to create transformation and the future they've been wanting to create.

Reach your potential with Veronica

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Audio Course

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DIY guide

Learn actionable skills you can easily use to improve your daily life. 


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